申请方式:由国际学生本人向国际交流学院 320 办公室直接申请。
2. 最终学历证书原件或经过公证的复印件,应届生为预计毕业证明原件。中、英文以外文本还需提供公证过的中文或英文翻译件。
3. 最终学历教育阶段全部课程的成绩单原件或经过公证的复印件。中、英文以外文本还需提供公证过的中文或英文翻译件。
4. HSK4级或以上考试证书复印件(仅限中文授课专业申请者。提交复印件的学生注册时原件需接受检查,一旦发现证件伪造将取消录取资格)。
5. 护照复印件(有效期内的普通护照)。
6. 电子证件照(同护照照片尺寸,JPG格式)。
7. 800字中文或英文个人陈述。内容应包括个人学习、工作经历(如有)、学术研究成果、以前学习阶段的研究计划等。
邮箱:[email protected]
2024 Shenzhen University“Guangdong Outstanding International Student Scholarship”Application Guidelines (For 2024 spring semester and autumn semester new enrolled degree students only)
I Overview
In order to attract and encourage more outstanding foreign students to study in Guangdong, vigorously promote the higher education of international students in Guangdong Province, raise the profile and international standard of higher education in Guangdong. In 2013, the Government of Guangdong Province set up the "Governmental Scholarship Program for international students in Guangdong".
II Eligibility
1. The applicants must possess foreign nationality, hold valid foreign passport, be in good health and be friendly to China.
2. Applicants who apply for undergraduate education in Guangdong must obtain official diplomas from a senior high school (including) in their country and be under 30 years old; Applicants who apply for Master education in Guangdong should have bachelor degrees or equivalent and be under the age of 35; Applicants who apply for PhD education in Guangdong should have Master degrees or equivalent and be under the age of 40.
3. The applicants must have excellent academic performance, a clear purpose of studying in Guangdong, have made a clear study plan according to the major setting of the university, their own interest and professional expertise.
4. The applicants must be admitted by SZU.
5. The applicants should not have acquired any Chinese government scholarship, Confucius Institute scholarship or any other form of Chinese government funding.
III Scholarship Amount and Quota
IV When and How to Apply
Application dates: From September 1 to September 3 , 2024.
Application method: Students should submit the paper application materials to Office 320 at College of International Exchange.
Contact:Miss Zhang,Tel:0755-86678400.
V Required Application Documents
1.Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship Application Form 2(It could be downloaded in the attachment files), should be signed by the applicants.
2. The original or notarized copy of the diploma, or the original file of the expected graduation certificate for the fresh graduates. Notarized Chinese or English translation is required for non-Chinese or non-English versions.
3. Original or notarized copies of transcripts of all courses in the final academic phase. Notarized Chinese or English translation is required for non-Chinese or non-English versions.
4. Copy of HSK4 or above certificate (only for applicants apply for Chinese taught programs) which will be well examined. The applicants would be disqualified, if forgery was found.
5. Copy of the information page on the passport (should be within the validity period).
6. Digital identification photo (the same size as the passport photo, and JPG format of the photo).
7. 800 words of personal statement in Chinese or English. It should contain personal study, work experience (if there was any), academic research achievement, previous academic research plan, etc.
8. Two original file of the recommendation letter in Chinese or English. Recommendation letter of the undergraduate major applicants should be provided by the principal and one teacher from the high school they graduated from, or provided by two professors or associate professors during their undergraduate study. Recommendation letter of the master's degree applicants should be provided by two professors or associate professors during the applicant’s undergraduate study. Recommendation letter of the doctoral candidates should be provided by two professors or associate professors during the applicant’s master degree program.
★After finish filling out Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship Application Form 2, please scan it and make it a digital version.
★Supplementary materials would be asked when necessary.
★Substantial documents like certificates of awards, certificates of commendation, foreign university undergraduate admission notice could raise the profile, the applicants could submit them as well.
★Documents wouldn’t be returned under any circumstances.
VI Appraisal and Announcement
After the registration of the applicants, experts will be organized to appraise the applicant's documents and determine the final admission list. The final list of candidates will be submitted to the Guangdong provincial education department in September 2024. The Guangdong provincial education department will proceed with final assessment. The list of final winners will be announced in October.
VII Distribution
Once the winner list is announced, scholarship will be distributed to the recipient's personal Bank-of-China bank account before the end of December.
VIII Contact Information
Add: No.3688 Nanhai Ave., Shenzhen University, Zonghe Building, Rm. 320,Shenzhen, Guangdong.
Contact:Miss Zhang, TEL: 0755-86678400
E-mail: [email protected]
Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
College of International Exchange
July 17, 2024